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Saturday, January 12, 2008
posted by Jeff Fuller | 1:04 AM | permalink
The CNN New Hampshire exit polling confirms that those with the liberal mindset were the ones responsible for vaulting John McCain to win there and thereby granting him somewhat of a "front-runner" status.

Numbers don't lie (and remember, these are just the numbers from the voters in the GOP NH primary):

52% think that Abortion should be "legal"

53% go to church "never" or "a few times a year"

49% have a negative opinion of Bush

57% do not "strongly oppose" civil unions

50% support a "path to citizenship" or a "guest worker program" for illegals already here.

39% of them are not Republicans

Only 21% say they're "very conservative" (BTW, Romney beat McCain 43% to 18% among them).

45% admit to being moderates or liberals.

Finally, 50% made their decision within the last week (with a full 19% admitting to deciding on the day of the primary).

So they're not just liberals . . . they're fickle liberals.

Thanks for nothing New Hampshire.

Jeff Fuller
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I'm going to wind up needing a neck brace from shaking my head at McCain and Huck still leading in the national and SC poll.Neither one has any clue about what to do about the economy or really tackling the out of control Federal budget. Even if McCain stopped earmarks they make up a small % of the entire budget.We need a 20% reduction in the federal workforce to balance the budget. This can be done by streamling the governmnet by direct money to states without mandates. The mandates attached to Federal bills requires thousands of Federal monitors to check compliane. Not only is it a waste of human resources it's a huge waste of paper.

It's amazing how Mitt continues to pile up endorsements and it doesn't seem to matter. Illegal immigration is bankrupting the country and McCain supports amnesty.Security is another top issues and Huck has no clue on it but because he's likeable and pro life he's up in the polls.

It's absolutely absurd that we're going to pick the next president based on personality and not qualifications.

All Romney supporters, let's make a push for donations on Wednesday, January 16, 2008, the day after the Michigan primaries. The media and the other Republican candidates are trying to push MITT out because they know he is strong.

I will be a first time donor. If you haven't donated, donate on that day. If you already donated, do it again on that day, even if it's just $10.

Now the hard part, commit to finding five more people who will donate on that day. We have to get up off our duffs and do something or a good man may go down, and we will wonder why. Also, try to get your five donors to commit to finding five more donors.

I may only get a little tree here in New Mexico, but if everybody else gets a small tree, we may just create a forest.



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