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Saturday, January 12, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 12:16 PM | permalink
The latest Rasmussen numbers coming out of Michigan:

Mitt Romney 26%
John McCain 25%
Mike Huckabee 17%
Fred Thompson 9%
Ron Paul 8%
Rudy Giuliani 6%

The big problem, of course, is that no one has any idea how many independents and democrats will vote in the Republican Primary. Nor, for that matter, how they will vote.

Thanks to Jeff Fuller for the link.
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I think the media has been sensing that Mitt might win Michigan and that's why they have ben downplaying the win saying his father was blah, blah. The other thing is this dialy kos thing has been talked about on TV, Usually they would never say anything about the blogosphere so they are using that to pre smear a win..Even if dems and independents cross over and vote for Mitt, the exit polls will show a republican win.On the other hand Mitt could lay claim that he's the economy's white knight.Either way he'll still claim another slug of delegates and increase his lead in the popular vote.With Thompson possibly taking some votes away for McHuckabee in SC he could squeeze in a 2nd place finish there also, making Fla. a toss up.

You guys may want to check this out. About how Huck is using a Robo Push Polling outfit to attack Romney, info is here

Thanks for posting this good news. I believe Mitt will win but if not he should stay in thru Super Tuesday because it is going to be a big crapshoot with 22 states and there are any number of scenarios as to how this all plays out. Also, want to thank you guys and gal for providing this resource. Not sure if us commenters tell you that enough.

Check out this video about Huckabee and his clemency record -- it's awesome!

Huck has proven himself to be a very underhanded person all along the way through the primaries.He started off using religion as a wedge issue under the advice of Dick Morris.He claims to have this nice guy personna but he never misses an oppurtunity to take a back handed swipe at somebody. His latest victim is Thompson.Despite the story about Kos encouraging dems to vote for Romney,I have a bad,bad feeling that independents are going to put Mccain over the top in Michigan.What's happened to Mitt since he got in the race is very sad. A very decent human being has been villified by hack newspapers who are in the tank for Hillary.McCain and Huck have tag teamed Mitt for their own shallow personal gains.I can't and won't vote for Huck or McCain because they have both ran a dirty campaign.We have a real chance to reform government and make it work for the people with Mitt but the MSM is dead set on promoting McHuckabee because they know they will be losers in Nov. Even if Mccain won in Nov it would be a shallow victory because he's no different than the dems.My only hope if Mitt has to drop out is Guliani becomes the nom.I strongly dislike he pro choice but I believe he will fight tooth and nail against the dangerous dem congress.

Good analysis Spidey, and if McHuck win the nomination - I will vote for Obama in November. If we're gonna have a liberal president - let the Dems take the credit for it. (And if Hill's the Dem nom, I think I will just stay home and knit on election day....)

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