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Friday, February 15, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 7:09 PM | permalink
From the Hotline's Blogometer:

Conservative bloggers were pleased that Mitt Romney endorsed his former rival McCain:

Power Line's Paul Mirengoff: "Romney casts himself in a good light with this move, proving that his personal feelings will not stand in the way of making the decision that's in both his and the nation's interest."

Townhall's Hugh Hewitt: "If you believe Senators Obama and Clinton, they fundamentally fail to understand the consequences of withdrawal in Iraq or the contours of the menace in Iran. Neither appears to grasp the jihadist threat. Senator McCain does. Because Mitt Romney cares deeply about the safety and security of the country, he was certain to endorse Senator McCain. That he did so quickly is a testament to the starkness of the choice facing America, McCain's complete commitment to victory, and Romney's understanding of the stakes."

Commentary's Jennifer Rubin: "On one level, Romney is making good on his pledge to unite the GOP and prevent the Democrats from taking the White House in perilous times. However, he is also amplifying the contrast between himself (high-minded GOP loyalist) with the man who may be his competition in 2012 or 2016, Mike Huckabee. Huckabee seems bent on pursuing his quixotic campaign, perhaps to build a political base or perhaps to enhance his speaking fees."


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Even with all the endorsements McCain's been racking up,he's still a candidate that doesn't present a vision for the country. His main selling point is he's better than a Dem.He really needs Hillary to be the Dem candidate to drive the negative turnout and surpress the bitter Obama losers.The fear and loathing of Clinton is what got him the nom to begin with.

At this point,what I'm looking for is Mitt on the trail campaigning for Mccain and what kind of crowds and enthusiam there is for him to make the case for VP. You have to wonder how Mitt would modify his stump speech to accomodate McCain's positions he disagrees with.

McCain's ego is too Napoleonic and his brain too much like Pres. Buchanan's to have someone intelligent and good for America on the ticket. The evangelical CEOs couldn't handle a Mormon looking presidential either. I remember the new interest in Catholicism when Kennedy was Pres. That could be quite a threat to the Evangel CEOs pocketbook since Mormon preachers and their church leadership don't get paid."Heaven forbid" some of their flock may find greener pastures.
For the first time since '72, I'm not voting Republican because I think that my vote is better spent in sending the party heads a message. I hope to be back in 2012.

If Mitt can suck up his pride to endorse a bitter rival for the good of the party and the country, well, then, I guess I can to.

Maybe Hillary is not so analog after all?

I'm finding it so difficult to get behind McCain. I was so enthused about Romney and his potential presidency because I felt he genuninely could fix complex problems. I don't want Obama or Clinton to take the White House, so I'll support McCain, but there's no enthusiasm or excitement. I think there are a lot of us like me out there. How are we supposed to get energized?


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