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Monday, February 11, 2008
posted by jason | 10:20 AM | permalink
According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution (they like Mitt), the wheels are already starting to roll:

Turns out that after the applause died, Romney huddled with “some 50 stalwarts of the political right” to discuss making the former Massachussetts governor “the face of conservatism, as Ronald Reagan became en route to his 1980 election win,” the Washington Times reported this weekend.

Participants at the meeting included Georgia’s Ralph Reed, the former head of the Christian Coalition, and Jay Sekulow of Alpharetta, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, who served as a kind of liaison to evangelicals for the Romney campaign.

“The movement needs someone of Ronald Reagan’s stature and Romney could fill that role,” the Times quoted Sekulow as saying.

The newspaper reported that American Conservative Union Chairman David A. Keene presided over the meeting, in the same hotel where the Conservative Political Action Conference was held.

Others at the meeting included radio talk show host Laura Ingraham; former Reagan White House official Donald J. Devine; Indiana Republican National Committee member James Bopp Jr.; Freedom Alliance President Tom Kilganon; former Sen. Jim Talent of Missouri; Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis; Human Events editor-in-chief Tom Winter; conservative activist Bay Buchanan; Ann Corkery, a Catholic activist; and Rabbi Nate Segal, a Rush Limbaugh associate. Free Congress Foundation President Paul M. Weyrich listened in via phone.
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Sounds good to us out here in Washington state. I presided over a precinct caucus and even though Mitt suspended his campaign our precinct flooded the caucus with Romney supporters. This was true in many precincts all over the state. Tell Team Romney we're on standby -- ready to help out where and when we can.

Ernie Geigenmiller
Camas, WA

I am a strong Romney supporter and I think he should endorse McCain sooner rather than later as we need to beat whoever is the Democratis nominee. I, also, think Romney should be the VP with McCain to focus on the economy and boost his national presence for 2012.

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