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Thursday, February 14, 2008
posted by jason | 1:42 PM | permalink
Reported on Fox News and CNN.

Beckel Talking about this setting Mitt up for the VP spot.

Fox reporting announcement at 3:30est in Boston.

Mitt as VP:

1. Balances ticket very well
2. Shows Unity in GOP
3. Maybe McCain will agree to one term
4. Keeps Huckabee out

1. Will the US ever want 3 GOP presidents in a row?
2. Can a loosing VP candidate come back and win nomination later? I can only think of Ford as the only example.
3. Doesn't help McCain in the south...maybe... I have a feeling if you put McCain's and Romney's numbers together in south, you have a huge majority.
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For an example of losing VP's we have John Edwards, of course that is on Dems side.


Edwards has never won the nomination. That's my point. It seems to be a political cul-de-sac. It might be a nice end, but it's still the end of the road once you get there.

Edwards had the wrong identity this time to excite the Identity-Politics party. Mitt as VP would at least get me to vote Republican, but its highly debatable if it would be a good move for Mitt. I'm pretty sure the Dems are taking this in November regardless.

I'm totally with you in this Bigmo. I will be very conflicted (almost resentful) if Mitt takes the VP spot. But such is life, I would find a way to deal with it.

Yea thats what I meant just as another example.

Mitt getting the VP spot would raise his profile,stature and validate him as acceptable to the party as a whole.At this point McCain offers no vision to the country and that is what's needed to excite the base.With Mitt on the ticket it makes Mccain look like a simple placeholder but it gives voters something futuresque to look forward to. In this scenerio though,you have to hope McCain is good enough on social issues to win the evangelical south. The evangelicals continued to vote for Huck hoping it would solidify him as the VP picks but Huck's continued presence in the race has alientaed him from the party structure.

Romney is a much roader spectrum candidate than edwards who got off on the wrong foot this year with a poverty pimp based campaign.One thing about Romney being the VP though is you would have a sore loser Huck on your hands and god only knows how that would play out with his base.

WE NEED ROMNEY FOR VP! Even with Romney's Endorsement of McCain we need to send the message to the GOP and McCain that Conservatives still want Romney. We want him as our VP. If we continue to vote for him in the upcoming primaries we will be able to convey that message effectively. Romney continued to get votes even after his suspension, and I have NO DOUBT he will continue to get votes after the endorsement. This will continue to gain delegates for him, even though ultimately the delegates will most likely vote for McCain at the Convention. At which point, we hope we have a McCain-Romney ticket.

McCain won't choose Mitt because he would continually be upstaged by him ... Plus I don't think Mitt needs to be the #2 choice, especially considering how difficult it's going to be for Republicans in November. Mitt needs to keep his distance from the impending political avalanche. It ain't gonna be pretty.

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