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Friday, July 13, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 3:01 PM | permalink
The Romney campaign has introduced a new radio ad featuring Ann Romney speaking about Mitt's success as a father. Listen here. This has caused some interesting reaction and speculation about the motive behind the ad. I like the ad because I want the President to be a family man. The recent report from the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics suggests that a lot of progress has been made since the 1990's related to teen sexual behavior and births to unmarried teens. One would only be speculating, of course, to suggest that all of this is caused by the direction a President leads us, but I think the type of leaders we have can have an impact. In short, I would rather have the family man than the man wrecked by success.

"The most important work being done to strengthen America's future is the work that is being done within the four walls of the American home. Children need the guiding hand of responsible parents. As a child swims through our increasingly polluted and turbulent waters, there is no help more sure than that of a loving mother and father. Every child deserves a mother and a father." -Mitt Romney, From Townhall article, 7/13/2007.
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Why wasnt Mitt at the NAACP event. I think Mitt is great, but that was a mistake. It reeks of exactly what the Democrats say about their party. That they are the party of the blacks. It upsets me that Mitt wouldnt care enough not to go. I think that the excuse of scheduling conflicts is just that, an excuse. Good for Tancredo to go. Terrible mistake by Mitt, being rich and white and from the northeast doesnt help him in the black vote. Snubbing the NAACP event makes him look worse.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 14, 2007 at 12:24 AM  

I agree completely, lets vote for the family man, the man of integrity. Have you heard the new song just released by Eric Proffitt in support of Mitt Romney? You can listen at It's a good listen, really professional...

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