posted by jason | 7:58 AM |
Well the latest from the Quacks at
MassResistance (The group that somehow forgets that the judiciary
interprets the law and the Governor executes the law) is they are planning to
take on National Review with a letter saying that Romney forced gay marriage on the population of Massachusetts's. MassResistance of course has put together a list of 22 family activist who are signing a letter that claims NRO is engaging in the Romney coverup.
What I find the most interesting is that when they
last did a letter like this in November they had 44 grassroots they only have 22. Way to MassResistance! Of course that is no surprise either. Because I think many of them had not read any
rebuttal to MR's pointless argument and when they had- my guess- they probably felt a little foolish for going along with the scheme.
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