posted by Nealie Ride | 4:04 PM |
here to watch Rudy's response to questions about two of his Southern regional advisors.
In June, the South Carolina Treasurer and Rudy's state chairman,
Thomas Ravenel, was indicted on federal cocaine charges.
Now, Senator
David Vitter is busted. Interestingly, Vitter was the first Senate Republican to endorse Rudy. Vitter is also one of the campaign's key ambassadors to social conservatives. In fact, he's serving as Rudy's regional campaign chairman for the South. Vitter reported that he confessed to his wife and repented. I believe that's exemplary. I'm pleased he's now on a better path, and a good distance from Madam Palfrey's "escorts."
The reporter in the above video also brings up
Bernard Kerik.
The reporter suggested that people will begin to wonder and judge Rudy by
the company he keeps. Giuliani defends himself by saying most of his people were great, but some were "flawed." True, true. Every organization will have people who disappoint.
However, I believe Rudy could have gone a step further to emphasize the need for positive family and institutional values. Denounce marital infidelity! It is
bad for families
and America.
Mitt is simply a stronger, more credible messenger in this area. He's walked the walk, living a chaste, disciplined life. Rudy has had several prominent
marital issues in his past. As a result, I believe Giuliani lacks the necessary clarity and credibility on numerous moral/social issues.
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