With his false accusation today, John McCain disgraced and dishonored himself. Even Time Magazine and The New York Times have already commented that the accusation is false Bill Bennett remarked that it was a hit below the belt and that John McCain should apologize. McCain has already lied about a lot in this campaign, most particularly about his position on illegal immigrants and amnesty, but today he engaged in blatant lying and disgusting behavior for all to see. I posted a message to his campaign site letting them know how I feel -- that I wouldn't vote for today's John McCain if he were running against Bill, Hillary, and Obama all at the same time, and that if this is the way he manages to win the nomination, he deserves to lose the election in a landslide.
After attacking Mitt's integrity with words like phony, dishonest, waffler, and pig, McCain became all those words and sadly he lied through his teeth and I'm wondering if he paid attention to his campaign advisors! Made it worse is his kissin' cousin, Huckabee who blindly followed McBlind to a black hole. Their true colors reveal their resentment, hatred, and jealousy toward Mitt. This is a true definition of flip then flop into hypocrisy.
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