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Sunday, January 13, 2008
posted by jason | 12:38 PM | permalink

I am here, about an hour prior to Romney appearing here at Southfield, MI. The crowd so far is at about 200-300 and last I looked out cars were still streaming in the parking lot. One of the few campaign theme songs "Don't Stop Believing" by Journeys is playing over the speaker

On the way out here, had a chance to listen to a Romney speech on POTUS 08. Not sure where the speech was given, but it was cearly in Michigan. One thing that is evident, Romney is clearly at home speaking to Michigan audiences. He knows the auto industry, and uses a little bit of the lingo in his speech.

I probably won't give the play by play on this one since I am recording it.


Defniitly one of the most enthusiastic Romney events I have attended. I am not really good at guessing numbers, but if I was forced, I would have to say probably 800+ cramed into the atrium of the school. Romney hit on a wide array of theme, including the Ron Paul Hecklers, but the over all emphasis of speech had to be his continued references to the auto industry, his family roots in Michigan, named dropping of Michigan pop culture and experience in business. I'll have the videos up later tonight.
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I caught it on C-SPAN. It was great.

I'd like to see Mitt incorporating some new themes into his campaign speeches.You know in order to bring jobs back, you have to know what killed them to begin with.The liberals love to complain about jobs leaving but it's thier interest groups that are chasing them out of the country. We know one of them is excessive union demands. The second is excessive taxation. Liberals are just like trial lawyers. they look for where the money is and tax it. To a liberal a profit is just uncollected tax. The cost of product liability has gone through the roof so they manufature in other countries to be immune from lawsuits. An example was the Chinese toy fiasco which would have been a trail lawyers haven if they were made here.Workman's comp claims have gone through the roof. Employers pay their rate based on the number of claims, not the severity.If the Dems get all three branches of governmnet this year all these problems will get worse and more jibs overseas. The dems will raise taxes on investors and corps.They will clear the path for more lawsuits in the workplace. It will be impossible to not hire a gay or fire a gay without getting sued for discrimination.

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