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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
posted by Myclob | 11:20 PM | permalink
Below is Mitt Romney's Wikipedia biography. If you Google Mitt Romney, it is the 2nd page that comes up. Below is the first thing you read about Mitt Romney on the site. Lets see if you can count, with me, the number of times his religion, religious practices, and polygamy are mentioned as important facts about Romney in the minds of the people who edit Wikipedia.


Born on March 12, 1947 in Detroit, Michigan, Mitt Romney is the son of former Michigan Governor and 1968 presidential candidate George W. Romney and 1970 U.S. Senate candidate Lenore Romney. His name "Willard" was after hotel magnate J. Willard Marriott, his father's best friend. Mitt, his middle name, comes from a relative who played football for the Chicago Bears.

Romney married his high school girlfriend Ann Davies in 1968. Both are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1), commonly known as Mormons (2), though Ann was raised Episcopalian (3). They have five married sons (Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben and Craig) and eleven grandchildren.

Romney's great-grandparents were polygamist (4) Mormons (5) who fled to Mexico in 1884 after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld various anti-polygamy (6) laws in 1879. Romney's father, George Romney, was born in Chihuahua, Mexico, and the family moved to the United States in 1912 after the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution.

Romney is a former bishop (7) and stake president (8) in his church, and he attends a temple (9) regularly. As a devout Mormon, (10) he does not drink (11) or smoke (12). He's also a proponent of family values, saying that he abstained from sex until marriage and has since remained faithful to his wife of 39 years.

Do you think democrats are trying to make this all about Romney's unpopular religion? There are 12 mentions of his religious practices, and polygamy in his biography. How many times do you think the articles about Rudy, McCain, HIllary, and Barak mention their religion? Take a wild guess.

If you go to the "Talk" page you can complain. I did just that, about the stupid way that it discusses Romney's abstinence from sex until he was married. My experience with user generated content (were no one with a job, or training can be held responsible for a page's content) has kind of scared more for what is going to happen tomorrow, when CNN gets to attack republicans and hide behind the crowd…

Anyways, back to Wikipedia, please look around the site and tell me what you think. Are they fair? Do they treat Romney the same as Rudy or Hillary?

I say no. No other candidate has their religion mentioned 12 times. No other candidate has scandalous behavior of their grandparent's discussed. And it's not just the fact that these things are mentioned, but that they are mentioned at the top of the page, as the first (and most likely last things that people read about Romney, as most people just want the executive summary) thing in the page, which can, according to the people that edit the wikipedia article, be summed up with one word: MORMON.

Not businessman. Not father. Not reformer. Not grandfather. Not Olympic turn-arounder… Not budget balance, not tax cutter, not border enforcer. No… just one word… the only word that matters when you are talking about someone who goes to the Mormon church: nothing else in their life matters, except the fact that they are Mormon.

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