posted by Jeff Fuller | 1:35 AM |
I've updated the "Iowa Blogroll" in the right sidebar at
Iowans for Romney and have included a lot more of the best state blogs (including a few lefty sites for fun). I also have a section linking to some blogs or column features of major Iowa news outlets where lots of comments are often generated.
Also, I feel a little like a Ronulan (my favorite nickname for Ron Paul supporters . . . and no, I'm not a total Star Trek nerd) doing this, but there are some online polls at a few Iowa based blogsites that Romney could win with a little boost.
The Real Sporer (left sidebar)
Cyclone Conservatives (right sidebar)
Iowa Collegiate Republicans (right sidebar)
Update: My
"A vote for Huckabee is a vote for Rudy" post has started to attract some attention.
Chris at The Mason Conservative said he agreed with "every word of it."
New Romney supporter who is a RedState Contributor Leon Wolfe linked to it in
the "RedHot" section at RedState with the lead-in "I agree with this absolutely".
Jeff Fuller
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