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Monday, November 26, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 3:21 PM | permalink
Novak has a new piece out about Huckabee(titled: Huckabee, the False Conservative), and I don't think Huckabee is going to be all that happy about it:
As a presidential candidate, Huckabee has sought to counteract his reputation as a taxer by pressing for replacement of the income tax with a sales tax and has more recently signed the no-tax-increase pledge of Americans for Tax Reform. But Huckabee simply does not fit in normal boundaries of economic conservatism, as when he criticized President Bush's veto of a Democratic expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Calling global warming a "moral issue" mandating "a biblical duty" to prevent climate change, he has endorsed the cap-and-trade system that is anathema to the free market.


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When Huck says he's going to replace the income tax with a sales tax when he is likely saying is that I have no tax plan and this is a smoke and mirror way to let the electorate know that you'd be a fiscal consertavite...sort of. Replacing the income tax is an impossible task, something that Huck knows is impossible especially with a democratic congress which is where he would throw the blame once he gets into the financial saddle of the presidency and stats signing checks with taxpayer money. Romney on the other has a basketful of creative, well thought out, pramatic tax reducing proposals that will re-start an ailing economy, show thoughtful consideration of the taxation issue and demonstrate an deep understanding of the complex issue of taxes. Not to mention that each one of Mitt's proposals show is willing to take responsibility for getting them done. Mitt plans on following through with proposals that can be measured and either assigned success or failure at his feet. Huckabee is just talking pie in the sky.

Ouch. Ouch.. Ouch! After the slapdown that Novak gave Up-Chuck-abee, I almost felt sorry for the guy. I said almost. ;)

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