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Monday, November 26, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 2:14 PM | permalink
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While Rudy's raising a lot more cash from this industry than are the other candidates, it's still a very small percentage of what he's raised overall. I don't think it's fair to say he's "tied" to the gambling industry. (At least not based on this one data point.)

This explains why Rudy has good poll numbers in Neveda. It makes me uncomfortable having a conservative so tied to the gambling industry. He raised more money there than even Hillary!

That's pretty interesting. I also found it interesting that Hillary had raised over $9.5 million from attorneys or law firms. The top three Democrats had far outraised all Republicans from the trial lawyers. It looks like they are really, really afraid of tort reform if a Republican wins!

Poor Mike Huckabee couldn't get even one red cent from anyone listing this as their occupation (Mike Gravel and Duncan Hunter even got something!)

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