posted by Jeff Fuller | 12:31 AM |
As an update to
my "A vote for Huckabee is a vote for Rudy" post.
The New York Sun has
a piece called "Giuliani, Huckabee Emerge as Strange Bedfellows"Time's take is noted in the article "
Giuliani's Huckabee Strategy"
Rich Lowry of the National Review sees this trend in his
"The Corner" post "Rudy and Huck sittin in a Tree . . . " (Is that making it to "second base" . . . I always forget that grading system of a physical relationship):
These pieces in Time and the New York Sun point out something that's been increasingly evident over the last few days: how nicely Rudy and Huck's strategies mesh. They both are attacking Romney for a lack of authenticity, with Huck blasting the former Massachusetts governor on social issues and Rudy blasting him on everything else. Together, they've got all the ground covered. The division of labor works geographically as well — Huck is threatening Romney in Iowa, which could weaken Romney in New Hampshire, where Rudy is increasingly vested in a strong finish (so much for the old Florida and Feb. 5 strategy). At the end of the day, I'm sure that the Rudy folks would like nothing more than for Huck to win the "conservative primary" within the Republican primary and emerge as the alternative to Rudy. Huck would be the weakest anti-Rudy contender. This seems so obvious that if I were a calculating Rudy donor who had already maxed out for my guy, I'd be tempted to send some money Huck's way.
These kind of transparently calculating alliances tend to backfire. Evangelical Christians don't want to be used as a tool to elect a pro-choice nominee and then have to vote 3rd party to protect the pro-life cause. Talk about a "Lose-Lose" situation.
Jeff Fuller
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