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Monday, September 17, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 1:32 PM | permalink

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Right on, Mitt!

It was great the way he emphasized the responsibility of the States, Individual and Private Markets as the solution for Heatlh Care as opposed to Governmental Socialized European-style healthcare.

This is a great platform for Mitt Romney.

By the way, Fred Thompson's supporters think FT has the corner on federalism.

I wonder if they've ever heard Mitt talk about States' rights and responsibilities as opposed to big government?

I'd have to agree on all fronts. The less programs that are run by the "central government" the better.

Dare I say, if there is one thing Canada has done right with Health Care, it is that it is not administered by the federal government but by the provinces.

I think it is fine to have national laws, but nationally run programs should be kept to the absolute bare necessities.

I caught 20/20 this weekend and was floored. John Stossel did an incredibly insightful program that ends with the Romney solution. All Romney supporters should watch this. It's INCREDIBLE.

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