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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
posted by Devon Murphy | 4:21 PM | permalink
Yes or no, consider the following.

Governor Mitt Romney is proposing a tax-free savings plan for 95% of Americans. Read about it HERE:

Any taxpayer with Adjusted Gross Income of under $200,000 would pay a tax rate of absolutely 0% on all of the income they earn from their savings, capital gains and dividends.

What does that mean for YOU, Joe Blogger? Typical savings accounts these days give around 5% return...mutuals return around 8%. Typical tax rates on those savings range between 15% and 20%. The result is an annual tax of (at least) 1% on your family nest egg, which Mitt Romney wants to give back to you in full. So if you have $10,000 in savings, that's $100 every single year. Why not donate the first year of that to the man who's gonna get us there?

Donate to Mitt! 1% of your savings nest egg is a good start, and President Romney will see that you get it back every year! Already hit 1%? Say so in the comments!

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The link you should use for 'Donate to Mitt!' should be

That will automatically put 588000 in the Fundraisers ID field automatically, and it can't be changed. Try it.

Thanks Nate! It's updated now!

I worked for GWBush in the GOTV endeavor in 2004, but Mitt Romney is the only candidate who has ever inspired me so much that I reached into my checkbook and made donations to his campaign.

(This might seem like an awkward sentence-but I was taught to never end a sentence with a preposition.)

Mitt Romney is the Man!!

I'm a tightwad too-never donated- sending lotsa cash to Mitt. It's for the kids. Signed, another Beth

Greetings, Another Beth!

I just got a bumper sticker in the mail from Mitt and put it on my bumper (next to My Son Is In The Air Force!).

I will be proudly driving around the San Francisco Bay Area with those two bumper stickers!!

Both Beths, great work!

If you see a white Nissan with a Romney bumper sticker, be sure to honk!

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