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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
posted by jason | 1:31 AM | permalink
Team Thompson:

"There is no room in our party for this kind of smut. As the top executive of his own campaign, Gov. Romney should take full responsibility for this type of high-tech gutter politics and issue an immediate apology. In addition, Gov. Romney should exercise some of his much-touted executive acumen, take control of his flailing campaign, and immediately terminate anyone and everyone related to this outrage.

Does anyone really think Team Thompson is this angry? does anyone really think they have been hurt by this?

Here is what we can learn:

1. This is good for fodder, nothing else.

2. Either Team Thompson is really upset (wow- thin skin!), or is he living up to the website name that he is so "upset" about?

3. Thompson is excellent at playing the victim, he's done it in every campaign so far. He makes Al Sharpton look like an amateur.

Are we going to get 4 months of Thompson and his surrogates playing the victim card? Really, I thought he was going to add something to the debate, not enhance the circus.

So much for high hopes.
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Jason, I just read this post over at and I posted my comment there.

It's unbelievable how petty this whole thing is -- very junior-highish.

If this is how Team Thomspon responds to "someone who worked for someone who is partners with someone who is affiliated with the campaign," I can't imagine how they are going to deal with the rest of this campaign season. It is not going to be pretty.

In the meantime, the "real" story is that Fred Thompson said "no" to Gov. Huckabee's offer to accept Thompson's invitation to a Lincoln/Douglas style debate. (just try to wrap your brain around that sentence! ;)"

I imagine that with all of Mitt's prior executive experience -- hiring, firing, dealing with staff, etc. he has a pretty good handle on knowing the appropriate way to deal with something like this.

I think his response was appropriate and an apology would just have been ... well ... just so unnecessary.

Some of Mitt's rivals seem to have a black hole of need for apologies from him.

What's with that anyway?

I really think they're just jealous and threatened by him.

No one else is getting this kind of "hate talk."

What do you make of it?

Tacky, tacky, tacky.
They must be REALLY araid of Mitt.

Are we going to have to call a WAMMMBULANCE for little Freddie Dalton Thompson?
The more I think about his repsonse the more I think it adds to stack of reasons why this man can't handle being POTUS.
What is he going to do when MOVEON.Org calls his wife nasty names or attacks his children?

Be careful what you say folks, Thompson might be coming for you!

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