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Thursday, September 13, 2007
posted by SteveT | 6:33 AM | permalink
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Steve. After contacting Jason Bonham, I was invited to post on this blog, which I appreciate the opportunity to do.

I'll give you a little background of who I am and why I have become a strong supporter of Mitt Romney. I started my involvement in politics in 1994, by volunteering for a Republican US Senate candidate in my home state. Then, I preceded to take a job in the state legislature as a legislative aide for the next couple of years. From there, I spent several years working for a state health association that did government relations and member services.

After that, I decided to make real money and go into sales. Over the last couple of years, I have been able to set up a health related business selling products to hospitals in the upper Midwest. Now on to the good stuff.

The 2008 election is one of critical importance and the decision of which candidate will carry the GOP banner is the most important of all. When looking at the major candidates in the field, Mitt Romney stands out as someone who has provided real leadership on both social and fiscal issues. He is the one candidate that can restore leadership in Washington and unite the party.

As someone who started their involvement in politics in 1994, I remember his US Senate candidacy in Massachusetts. About a month before the election, one poll had him within a couple points of Teddy Kennedy and I remember thinking, "It is impressive that someone as conservative as Mitt Romney is making a race of it in Massachusetts."

While he did not win that race, he did win the governorship in 2002. After getting elected Mitt did not disappoint. He went right to work cutting government spending across the board and enacting a ballot initiative that ended bilingual education (something he had supported in the 2002 campaign). The sponsors of the ballot initiative noted how rare it was to get support from a Republican candidate for governor as they had not received support like this in other states that had similar initiatives.

As you all know, over the next several years, Mitt fought aggressively against a rogue Massachusetts Supreme Court to try and preserve traditional marriage. He held the line on taxes and attempted to reduce them. Mitt vetoed provisions providing instate tuition for illegals and opposed driver's licenses for illegals as well.

Of his many accomplishments as governor, his health care initiative is particularly important. As someone who works in this field, I can tell you it is refreshing to see a Republican stand up and fight for the free market in health care in this country. Alone among the candidates running for president, Governor Romney fought to deregulate the health insurance market and grow the market for private insurance. The last which is absolutely critical to maintaining a private health system. Mitt has actually done these things, not just adopt a list of Cato Institute talking points for the election!

In the general election in 2008, Mitt will bring much to the table. He will be able to challenge the Democratic candidate from a position of strength on health care and restore Republican integrity on fiscal restraint and competence in international affairs. I look forward to working with all of you to help Mitt win this thing in 2008!
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Great to have you here Steve!

Welcome to the fray.

I am a newly handicapped person and am able to read what "everyone" puts out & what You just wrote about Mitt is the most impressive honest thing I've read and that alone brought me into voting for him. I also am sharing this with ALL of my other Hospital friends who share these discussions over who's "our choice!"

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