posted by Ben Wren | 3:11 PM |
Kate O'Beirne writes what I think is a very interesting column looking at why Rudy might not be all he is cracked up to be for the GOP ticket.
She Writes:
Giuliani's multiple marriages, his pro-choice stand on abortion and his support
of gay civil unions are at odds with his church's positions - so there is no
cause to worry that he would be a Catholic President taking directions from the
Vatican. But for many Catholics, Giuliani's dissident views could challenge
their devotion to the Republican Party.
In his 2004 race against John Kerry, the first Catholic nominee since 1960, George Bush won a majority of Catholic voters by a margin of five points - and carried Catholics who attend services weekly by 13 points. Catholics made up 27% of the electorate in 2004, and are the dominant religion in two-thirds of the presidential battleground states.
This becomes a major problem when you consider this:
Polling shows that a significant percentage of Catholic Republicans share
the economic views of big-government liberals rather than small-government
conservatives - but many support the Republican Party owing to social issues
like abortion. Last year's Senate race in Pennsylvania showed how voters can
react when the candidates aren't divided over abortion: many Catholics defected
from their previous support for the incumbent, enabling the pro-life Democrat,
Bob Casey Jr., to defeat the pro-life Republican incumbent, Rick Santorum.
If Rudy is the nominee will a
similar phenomena occur? Why risk it? B
y making Romney the nominee we nominate someone who will maintain this significant advantage for our party in this key demographic.
Labels: catholics, rudy
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