posted by Justin Hart | 12:30 PM |

David Brody: McCain Supporters, Why don't your sit down before I tell your...
Yesterday, we noted that David Brody, CBN News Capitol Hill Correspondant, was asking Pro-lifers to email him feedback on this question:
"As a pro-life voter, who would you vote for? John McCain or Mitt Romney? Who do you view as the candidate that will best represent the pro-life movement.?
The response? "It wasn't even close. More than 90% of people who emailed me said Romney was the guy, hands down." Brody gave some sample emails:
"Romney’s personal life and religion, a religion I do not share, demonstrate to me a profound love and respect for family and children. I believe he is sincerely and deeply committed to protecting the rights of the unborn."
But how about McCain. (here's the "why don't you sit down first" part):
"McCain has risked little politically with his "life" record (being from a Red State but still never being on the forefront or frontlines of the pro-life fight.) Sure he's got a "neat and tidy" voting record to refer to, but, even though he's "the king" of sponsoring new legilsation, I'm not aware of him taking a leadership role for "pro-life" causes. Plus, he's constantly shown that he's willing to "show-up" the conservative base if it suits him at the time."
Brody cites a few more emails then summarizes:
A couple of interesting themes emerge here. Clearly, there is a distrust with McCain on the life issue. I'm sure his handlers are beside themselves wondering why a solid 20 year pro-life record may not resonate as much as it should....
Part of the distrust with McCain clearly centers on how McCain hasn't made the lfie issue paramount in his career. He's more a campaign finance, anti-pork spending type guy. Yes, he's a reliable Senate vote on life issues (except on embryonic stem cell research) but he typically stays away from the issue. For that matter, Romney tried to do that as well in liberal Massachusetts. That makes sense. But now he's running for President. Will he move that issue up on his agenda?
Here's the big difference between McCain, Romney and Rudy. The one guy who will actually stand up to lead and defend the pro-life movement is the former pro-choice-leaning governor from a blue state.
Go figure!
Labels: abortion, cbn news, david brody, david brody mitt romney, McCain, pro-life, rudy
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