posted by jason | 11:58 AM |

Thanks to Justin for his round up of the presidential endorsements thus far. It was an interesting list. One name stuck out to me on the list of McCain endorsements, that of Congressman Kirk from IL, my congressman. Congressman Kirk is an astute politician, I even helped put up signs for him this last cycle, yet congressman Kirk has a certain flair for the liberal side of politics. As matter of fact I am not even sure where he is exactly a Republican.
1. Most recently Kirk has gone soft on the war on terror. Most notably, voting for house resolution 63, the infamous Iraq War Resolution.
2. Mark Kirks official site has an interesting
list of endorsement including planned parenthood and the Brady Campaign. It seems I recall not too long ago he had endorsements listed by the NEA and NARAL, those no longer can be found there.
3. Mark Kirk is a pork fiend. He has never met a sausage link he didn't like. Including securing funds many times over for local harbors and local commuter rails. Like other politicians who claim small government cred's, his ability to spend pork freely has clearly shaded that.
I will balance this with some great things he has done though, to remain fair. These include some wonderful laws to stop sewage dumping in Lake Michigan and laws to stop online predators.
Is this the guy you want on your team though? If McCain wants to appeal to family oriented voters would he get endorsements from a congressman who works tirelessly for NARAL and Planned Parenthood? If McCain wants to appear tough on Terror would he ask for the endorsement of congressman who votes with Dems on the Iraq resolution while he himself doesn't show up for the vote and publicly knocks McCain? If McCain wants to look like a friend to small government would he seek the endorsement of a congressman who is a pork barrel roller?
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