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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 9:29 AM | permalink

I should note at the outset that a good number of our bloggers here are NOT Mormon. With that caveat I have this to say about George Stephanopolous.

Listen, it's one thing to knock my candidate for President. It's quite another to say that Mitt has his Mormonism wrong or that I DO for that matter.

Here's how it played out: George asks Mitt over the weekend about a specific Mormon doctrine and how Muslims might perceive it. Mitt corrected George and said we believe the same as other Christians that Christ will come to Jerusalem and set foot on the Mount of Olives.

George goes and asks a "Mormon spokesman" about it and then comes on the air to say that Mitt has his Mormonism wrong? He repeated it again yesterday!

George you are no Mormon theologian!

I am literally getting saturated with emails from my friends (disclosure: I am Mormon) upset about this strange turn of events. And it's not just Mormons questioning this media approach. See Thomas Lifson here.

I will let a BYU Professor say his peace on the matter:
Mormon eschatology is complex and multifaceted, and George Stephanopoulos's seeming "gotcha" with regard to Mitt Romney rests on his own illusion that he has our doctrine pinned down. He doesn't. Romney is right.

I'm afraid that benighted Mormons such as myself are in for a long and perhaps unpleasant season of hearing our beliefs defined for us. We may often not even recognize them. I'm reminded of a comment that Barry Goldwater made after the 1964 presidential election, when he finally got a chance to go through his press clippings: "I didn't realize what a son of bitch I am until I read the newspapers about me."

- source

Here's the contact information for This Week.

Phone: (202) 222-7100
Fax: (202) 222-7074

If you call, be polite, and tell them that George is wrong about Mitt being wrong on some Mormon doctrine and that he should stop bringing minute theological debates into his press reports!

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To show he's not prejudiced George should ask Hillary on air how she thinks the Muslim world would respond to a woman as Commander in Chief since Jihadists believe women are sub-human. Wouldn't that go over swimmingly. Sigh*

Stephanopolous doesn’t care at all what the Muslims will think about a President's personal religious tenets. It was just a ploy to try and get Romney to admit he believes in an unusual doctrine. Instead of trying to strike differences, Romney wanted to touch on similarities of his faith with America's dominant Christianity. There's nothing wrong with that. People don't need to know about the meaty tenets of Mormonism in order to elect a ripe candidate. But the liberal media won’t let this go; they think Mitt needs to give a lecture on Joseph Smith, and if he leaves anything out, he can't ever be trusted. Can we respect (all) other's personal faiths by not forcing them to admit they have unusual differences? Mere tolerance is not enough.

Here's my email:

I enjoyed your interview this past Sunday with Governor Romney and his wife Ann. However, I was a bit puzzled by your questions regarding Mormon eschatology. I'm not sure at all what difference this makes in a presidential race. Radical muslims consider all Christians to be infidels, so I'm pretty sure that they really are not all that concerned with the views of particular Presidential candidates on the "end times."

I have a BA in Religious Studies, so I do have some passing interest in the subject. Therefore, I will be looking forward to hearing all the Presidential candidates that you interview discuss their eschatological views. I imgaine that a least one of the candidates might be a dispensational premillenialist. I would hate to think that you're not going to ask all the candidates these questions; that would show a tremendous anti-Mormon bias.

Kyle Farmer

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