posted by jason | 1:32 PM |
This from
Christian News Wire:
The Reverend Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), president of the National Clergy Council and its affiliate, Faith and Action in the Nation's Capital, returned today to Washington from Orlando, Florida, where he participated in small private meetings with Republican presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney and John McCain.
From Schenck's own mouth:

"I was able to get a read of these two men away from the cameras, the reporters and rah-rah audiences. These were honest, candid dialogues on critically important aspects of Governor Romney's and Senator McCain's personal and political principles. We got a pretty good assessment of where they are on the key issues for traditional Christians and particularly for Evangelicals. I was impressed by both, but especially Mitt Romney."
(I added those italics)
Good news, Romney's a good guy.
Schenck also had some kind words for Brownback:
the Kansas senator remains the gold standard for the top three concerns of the sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage and the family and the public acknowledgment of God.
That may be, Brownback has been terrific on those issues. But Brownback is the "lead standard" for topics such as Iraq, Immigration, showing up for work and Pork-Barrel hogging. Fortunately for Romney, our nation needs the whole package- and he is it.
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