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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
posted by jason | 7:50 PM | permalink
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Brody asks readers to send an email voting for who would be the best candidate on abortion issues. Take the time.
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There is a destructive war going on all around the issue of abortion. We on the right have been suckered into defining ourselves by this issue, and shame on us for letting ONLY the abortion related debate define us.
Whenever we speak of any subject, there are about 40% of the US that simply say....well..they're idiots let them babble.
Roe .v. Wade is bad law because it isn't technically law in the firstplace in the most traditional sense, so we are actually fighting the wrong fight. Judicial activism is not right. At best it is a temporary fix while legislation works its way through proper channels. I know where Gov. Romney stands on the abortion issue, and honestly couldn't care less about it. Why? Because it will sterilize him and any other candidate silly enough to get branded by the 'for or against' debate. He is for it when the life of the mother is in iminent danger, and in cases of rape or incest. Otherwise, life is life and should be honored. The other two situations are valid for CONSIDERATION of an abortion, and then it is a private decision for the girl/woman and her loved ones. are we going to get on with fixing the messed up state of affairs with the Federal Budgeting and Taxation system? Women who want to murder their unborn children will find a way to murder their unborn children...then they will live with that blood on their souls for the rest of their natural lives....even the ones who do it legally let's get back to something we can still have an impact on!

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