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Monday, July 7, 2008
posted by | 9:06 AM | permalink
Bulldog Reporter announces that Fox News is pulling head of CNN again after the latter had a brief respite from a six year slump in the popularity of its news content. MSNBC continues at a sad and distant third.

Now, I don't know that Fox news coverage, integrity, blah, blah, blah is all that much better in quality that CNN's. But it certainly is different in terms of its bias. All news is biased because all news is reported by humans and all humans are biased.

Furthermore, we tend to associate with those who most share our interests and worldviews, so it follows that a network that is built of reporters who associate on conservative worldviews is going to be conservative. Likewise for a liberal network.

And that's okay. That's what the First Amendment was meant to protect. On the dark side of things, with Obama a serious contender for the presidency and a Democrat-controlled congress, the Fairness Doctrine looms on the horizon. For a peek at how scary the Left is becoming in their fanatical thinking about reinstating this outdated and poorly conceived idea, see here.

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My advice is to watch all the news stations. Get a variety in your system. Although after flipping through all news stations. My dial usually stops on Fox News. They pride themselves on being fair and balanced. Fox News does this because if u put a blabbering liberal up against a blabbering conservative. The conservative always sounds and looks better. So Fox News always wins in the end.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2008 at 2:23 PM  

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