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Friday, January 18, 2008

posted by | 3:30 PM | permalink
Women vs. Oprah - HUMAN EVENTS: "When Lieberman endorsed McCain, Democratic friends called his office seeking reassurance that he was endorsing McCain only for the Republican nomination and not actually the office of president. No, they were told, this was a real presidential endorsement."

I guess Lieberman didn't play the party patsy and "go along" with the plan as they had anticipated. Now they've unwittingly shown their hand in their desperate attempt to unethically control the outcome of the election by tinkering with the electoral process through PR.

The rest of this article is interesting in its own right.
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Lieberman hates the Democrat party for trying to oust him in 2004.

McCain hates the Republican party for picking GW BUsh over him in 2000.
Party disloyalty is the tie that binds these two together.

Or more succinctly, misery loves company?

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