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Friday, January 18, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 12:40 PM | permalink
I was watching the Today Show this morning listening to the reports and Tim Russert (who I lose more respect for the more he speaks because he is the king of wrong-headed conventional wisdom) was trying to attribute Romney's Nevada lead to Mormon voters. Look, I don't doubt that there are several voters who vote for Romney that are Mormons, but this isn't a Mike Huckabee situation for two reasons.

First, Russert's assertion ignores what we have learned so far from the race. Romney has been winning across the spectrum of Republican voters. There is a reason that Romney has the most votes of any candidate in the race. Romney's appeal comes not from identity, but from message and personal qualities. If Romney was reliant on Mormon voters to win in any other state, he would have lost badly. On the contrary, Romney has been the only consistently appealing and performing candidate in the race. Thus, to attribute Romney's appeal in Nevada to the population of Mormons ignores what has happened so far in the race.

Second, Mormons, whoever they vote for, are an insufficient demographic in any state (except Utah and maybe Idaho) by which to win a state's primary, much less Nevada. The LDS website says that there are 169,714 members in Nevada. The Census Bureau estimates Nevada's population as 2,495,529. That means that even in a state with a significant LDS population, Mormons are only 6.8% of the state's population. Assuming that Mormons vote in equal proportions as other citizens (and there's no reason to assume otherwise), even getting all of the Mormon vote puts you in at Ron Paul territory. You don't even break double digits. Thus, Romney's more than thirty percent support cannot be attributed to Mormons voting in Nevada. To match Romney's support, Mormons would need to be 5 times more of the voting electorate than they constitute of the overall population.

Russert's assertion that Nevada would vote for Romney because of Mormons ignores both the race as it has developed so far and the demographics of Nevada. It is idiotic to continue to spout such falsities. But that seems to be what Russert does so well.


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Not only are you right, but the Church's numbers reflect all members aged 8 and up, active and lapsed. That number also includes Harry Reid, whom I doubt intends to caucus for Mitt!!

Keep challenging erroneous "analysis"!

My take on Russert's comment is not that he was saying the POPULATION of Mormons in Nevada explains Romney's big lead there, but that the INFLUENCE of Mormons in a State founded by them, and with citizens who are familiar with them (and who elected Harry Reid).

Still, I wish he'd mentioned that Huckabee in Iowa enjoyed the benefit that 60% of the turnout reported they were evangelicals, because in that case the POPULATION and the INFLUENCE gave him a powerful edge.

To put it more kindly, Russert could be saying that most Nevadans have gone to school with or worked with Mormons, so the stereotypes that Romney faced in Iowa were greater because many Iowans have never known a Mormon.

Russert is one of the better reporters, but no reporter or candidate is perfect. If I remember correctly, it was he who didn't let Clinton slide by the driver's license for immigrants point in the Democratic debate. Prior to that, her "inevitable nomination" was all the media could talk about.

Russert may be one of the best in the MSM, but he is still MSM: cluelessness is thy middle name...

Leave it to the MSM to let those pesky little things called 'facts' get in the way of 'objectivity'. I'm LDS; Romney being Mormon appeals to me, but what's MORE appealing is that he views the issues the same way I do and has the same ideas I do about how to fix them.

Harry Reid is Mormon too...and I wouldn't be caught dead voting for that crapsack.

Below is the only mention of the GOP caucus in Nevada by CNN this morning and writes Romney's vote off as a "Mormon Vote". Incredibly inaccurate and once again showing the media's reluctance to give Romney any repect he deserves.

CNN article:

Nevada Republicans will also hold caucuses Saturday, and Romney is campaigning hard there, while the other Republican candidates have kept their focus on South Carolina. Even though the Republican party cut in half the number of delegates the state party can send to the national convention as punishment for moving its caucuses to Saturday, Nevada has more delegates at stake than South Carolina.

In a presidential race that's increasingly coming down to who has the most delegates, a win could help Romney, who is expected to benefit from Nevada's large Mormon population.

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