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Thursday, January 17, 2008
posted by Anne | 10:21 PM | permalink
According to one poll, it's a dead heat in South Carolina.

HT Powerline. Rasmussen:

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of South Carolina’s Republican Presidential Primary shows that John McCain and Mike Huckabee are tied at 24%. In a race that has already seen four different candidates with the lead, much could still change in the coming days--7% of voters have yet to make up their mind, 10% say there’s a good chance they could change their mind, and another 24% might change their mind.

Mitt Romney attracts 18% support and Fred Thompson 16%. Those figures are little changed from the previous survey. Both Romney and Thompson have led in South Carolina at some point over the past several months. The latest survey was conducted the night after Mitt Romney’s victory in Michigan. Ron Paul attracts 5% support and Rudy Giuliani 3%. Giuliani is betting his entire campaign on a strong showing in Florida, where he is now tied for the lead with three others.

RCP average.

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Between McCain and Huck, us Mitt guys should be pulling for Huck, as much as he drives me insane.

Then people could make the argument that McCain can't win anywhere liberals aren't allowed to vote, and Huck can only win among evangelicals.

Just saw where the weather is supposed to be horrible in SC tomorrow. Maybe the McCain geezers won't go out in it :-)

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