The media won't look at this win esotericly as a win for Mitt and racking up more delegates. They'll second guess why he spent time in a state he was expected to win and give up on SC. I wish I was seeing a good uptick in the polls for Mitt in SC. Why this is disturbing is that the people in SC still support McCain and Huck despite all the stuff coming out against both .I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway that when folks go to the polls they'll wind up supporting the real republican. I'm also sickened that Tom Colburn endorsed McCain.If he really wanted reform in Wash. he should have gone to Mitt. Oh well at least Mitt has Ross Perot.Huck is ticking a lot of people off in SC pandering to the religious vote and anti-illegals.The guy is too unstable to be Prez.
I too was hoping to see Romney polling higher in SC. He still might do well (competitive second or a miracle – he has good organization and likely some faithful supporters), but a 10-15% showing in 4th place will result in joyful condemnations by the media. I think it would be interesting to see Romney return to SC Friday afternoon and evening because Nevada is pretty well sealed up, but I do not expect this.
One thing that could have happened if Romney fought in SC is that he could have lost to a group of very religious but not overly political folks who voted for Huck, but he could have knocked down McCain enough that Huck won. Without Romney, McCain beats Huck, and Huck gets little bounce going into Florida.
Then in Florida McCain and Giuliani pull from similar pools of voters and hopefully Huck’s “very religious but not overly political folks” become disillusioned (remember, Huckabee was nowhere 4-5 weeks before Iowa even though he was just as much a seemingly nice Baptist minister). This leaves Romney competitive with McCain and Giuliani taking 1/3 to ¼ of their pool, but standing alone among conservative and very conservative folks to win.
This all reminds me of the game Risk. 5-6 generals march around the world trying to secure territories. You want to win, but it is impossible to do so by defeating everyone else all at once. You must count on others fighting each other so you can then go after the winner one on one while you are stronger and they are either stronger (or better yet injured). Romney was fighting everyone else all at once in Iowa and New Hampshire. It was clear that McCain and Huckabee ganged up on him. It seems unlikely that both McCain and Huckabee will emerge from South Carolina strong (and while I do not expect Thomson to win, I think he will soften up both of them). Of course there is much Risk and no guarantee that all goes according to plan. Thanks, TOm
Lizzy, I'm not shocked. The entire MSM is anti-Romney,even Fox. I thought Carl Cameron was going to cry in Micigan the other day when Mitt won. Mort Kondrake is very pro-McCain not surprising since he's been a long time lib..Fred barnes is a Weekly Standard neo-con type who loves McCain also. I'm also tired of hearing the electibility issue. What's gained to sell your soul just to win an election. Thats' what the dems do. They vote for the (D) next to the name regardless.There's a lot of feeling going around that if MCain is the nominee people will sit out or vote for the dem. If Dem policies are going to ruin this country I don't want GOP fingerprints on it. The MSM are all in a collective pant over McCain winning SC.If Mitt can't win there even though I'm hoping for a surprise,I hope Huck pulls it out to knock McCain out of possible.
The MSM were talking about Mitt's probable win in NV and chalking it up to "the high percentage of Mormons that live there...." I just get so tired of it.......
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