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Thursday, January 17, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 11:03 AM | permalink
The Las Vegas Review Journal endorsed Mitt Romney today:
Republicans haven't had much national electoral success of late, and for that they have only themselves to blame. In the 14 years since the Gingrich revolution, too many Republicans have embraced the beltway culture and abandoned the very principles upon which their success with voters depended -- smaller government, low taxes, free markets and personal liberty.

Nevada Republicans on Saturday should examine their choices through precisely such a filter. Each GOP candidate can make -- and has made -- a reasonable case that he's best suited to ensure the party again embraces the ideas and concepts that made this nation a beacon of freedom and economic opportunity. But in our opinion, the viable candidate most likely to lead Republicans in such a direction is Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts.


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Mitt, I think, needs to hit his competitors on cherry-picking. NO ONE is campaigning actively in SC and NV...nobody! (maybe Ron Paul, but you get the picture)

Why can't the other candidates do this? Are they incapable? Don't care? The unfortunate thing is the media is already drumming up a "NV was unimportant, SC was the real jewel to be won and if you're a Republican and can't win in the south, you're in trouble."

Mitt should turn the tables and say, "if you can't campaign successfully in more than one state at a time, you're in trouble."

Mitt romney is the man, mccain needs to pick him as vp

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 31, 2008 at 1:05 PM  

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