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Sunday, December 9, 2007
posted by Jeff Fuller | 5:13 PM | permalink
A bit late on this, but I haven't seen a whole lot of comment/opinion about the utter hypocrisy of Huckabee's responses on this.

I've got the whole post available at Iowans for Romney.

Concluding argument below:

So, we can sum up Huckabee's 1992 HIV/AIDS plan as follows:
AIDS poses a serious public health risk and so, because we don't know exactly all the ways it's passed on, we should:
  1. Quarantine all HIV carriers or those with clinical AIDS immediately.
  2. DECREASE HIV research funding and let all the rich Hollywood types pay for ways to figure out excatly how/why HIV is transmitted.

Jeff Fuller

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Isn't this preaching to the choir in Iowa at least to Huckabee's target electorate? This might even increase his lead in Iowa. It will cause harm later in the primaries and the general, but he will still be a spoiler in Iowa for Romney...unfortunately :-(

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