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Saturday, December 8, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 8:53 PM | permalink
Amid the news vacuum that Romney created with his speech this week is a detailed look at the ground games in Iowa by Politico. Jonathan Martin was tasked with taking on the Romney and Huckabee camps. I'll have more in this later. For now, take the first paragraphs from each piece. It gives you a good idea about the massive differential between the campaigns:

ON MITT: "Mitt Romney has built the most formidable Iowa operation of any GOP presidential candidate on what might be described as three legs of a campaign stool: time on the ground, top local talent and cold, hard cash."

ON HUCKABEE: "Either Eric Woolson is a master at lowering expectations or Mike Huckabee is taking a gigantic gamble that his skeletal Iowa organization can still somehow earn a victory on Jan. 3. "

Its obvious from the NIE blindside earlier this week that Huckabee is clearly lacking in staff (or at least needs to pull up Drudge every now and then on the Blackberry). But the INS craziness today points to something different altogether.

Regardless, Huckabee is a threat to Romney. But I believe the speech will do some good in the next week. As Mike's rise has shown... anything can happen now that people are paying attention.
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This INS story is as bad as any gaffe that Fred Thompson committed. Fred goofed up a lot, but this one by Hucklebee's team is HUGE.

The INS hasn't existed in four years! Who's running Huck's campaign? This guy will be toast in 1-2 weeks.

Poor Huck seems to have trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.

Mike Huckabee-Dream GOP Candidate

• He's a national security expert: "Say what? NIE? What in tarnation is that?"

• He's an economic mastermind: He'll punish those evil CEO's for their colossal greed by passing his "Mine, mine, it's all mine!" tax.

• He's hilarious and a laugh a minute: Especially when discussing such light-hearted topics as nuclear war.

• He's compassionate and forgiving: He's never met a felon he didn't want to release.

• He celebrates marriage: Not by renewing his wedding vows, but by renewing his wedding registry after 30 years.

• He cleans up after himself: That's why he took $70,000 worth of furniture when he left the Governor's Mansion.

• He wants to improve the future of our kids: As long as they're illegal aliens.

• He's a fine role model as a father: After his 18-year-old son was fired from his job as a Boy Scout camp counselor for torturing and killing a stray dog, Huck claimed the accusation was politically motivated. What, was the dog a Democrat?

• He attracts powerful endorsers: He was able to lure Chuck Norris away from his demanding schedule of infomercials and Botox injections. Next up: a cellblock endorsement filmed by Michael Vick in prison? (See dog story above)

I just got the funniest idea ever! Too bad that I don't live in Iowa, and I actually have a day job. But wouldn't it be classic if somebody would start showing up to all of Mike Up-Chuck-abee's events in something that looks like a HAZ-MAT suit, and whenever anybody asked he could say that his name was "HAZ-MAT HUCK" and that since the government refused to quarantine people with HIV and AIDS that he was just making sure that he didn't get HIV by standing next to anybody in the audience.

This kind of political maneuver is actually very effective. The Flip-Flops that followed John Kerry or the Flipper dolphin that one candidate went off on a few years ago and basically lost because of it. Usually College Republicans are pretty good at pulling this kind of stuff off.

Now, when John Edwards came to campaign here in Arizona back in 2004, I got everybody dressed as doctors in medical gowns with surgeon masks and make-shift handcuffs, and we had great fun with our: "Vote Ambulance Chaser!", "Ambulance Chaser Rules!", and my personal favorite "Sue Your Doctor Today!" chants.

I won't even feel bad when somebody else takes all of the credit for this if they can actually pull this one off. But "HAZ-MAT HUCK" has winner written all over it!

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