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Saturday, December 8, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 1:44 PM | permalink
The AP is reporting that in 1992 Huckabee "once advocated isolating AIDS patients from the general public, opposed increased federal funding in the search for a cure."

He also wrote in the 1992 questionnaire "I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural, and sinful lifestyle, and we now know it can pose a dangerous public health risk."

Taken a decade earlier these comments could have come from anyone but as the AP notes:
When Huckabee wrote his answers in 1992, it was common knowledge that AIDS could not be spread by casual contact. In late 1991, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there were 195,718 AIDS patients in the country and that 126,159 people had died from the syndrome.

Drudge currently has this as his lead headline and Politico had this to say:
The revelations could dampen the enthusiasm for the candidacy of Huckabee, a former Baptist minister, because the language clashes with his image as a compassionate, sunny leader.


The report is a second distraction at a time when Huckabee has tied or passed former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in polls in Iowa. A Newsweek poll of likely Iowa caucus-goers taken Wednesday and Thursday found Huckabee leading Romney by a two-to-one margin, 39 percent to 17 percent. Newsweek’s last poll, in late September, had Huckabee at 6 percent and Romney at 25 percent.

It also could cause Republican voters to reevaluate whether he would be effective at winning swing voters in a general election that looks trying for the GOP.

Drudge's link to the Politico story:



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Neither Huckabee or Romney are the right manfor the job. Huckabee can't beat Hillary and Romney can't win the primary.

It's going to have to be McCain.

This is exactly the kind of "flip flop" that Romney's being hammered for by the Huckabee supporters in Iowa (led by Steve Deace of 1040AM WHO). I would be very surprised if they abandon their guy over this (or the INS flip flop--trying to go hard on immigration now after his earlier squishiness). These Huckbots have already demonized Romney over things that every other candidate is guilty of, so it's not anything that is reality- or logic-driven.


I would be very, very interested indeed to hear how you think McCain can win the nomination when Romney can't. You've got your work cut out for you, with all due respect to you and your candidate.

I questioned whether one month would be enough to inform the American voters on Huck's record and it sure looks like it's going to be enough. I think Drudge has made it his mission to disclose his record thank goodness!

This is now on the front page of FOXNews.,2933,316228,00.html

Mike says, "My concern was safety first, political correctness last."

Whatever, Mike.

"When Huckabee wrote his answers in 1992, it was common knowledge that AIDS could not be spread by casual contact."

McCain is too old and has too many issues wrong. Chief among his wrong issues are McCain/Feingold and McCain/Kennedy. He killed his campaingn with those two.

He also has no $ and little chance to get more. His bump only comes from the war going better.

There is very much wrong with Huckabee, but to hit him for espousing that homosexuality is a sin... Please, attack him for the right reasons. When you attack from the Left, you give Liberalism legitimacy and tip your hat to the notion that it is the pervasive and dominant creed in our culture.

Mike Huckabee's not perfect but Flip Romney's little better.

We point out at NY for Mitt that the Surgeon General mailed 107 million brochures about the spreading HIV/AIDS epidemic in 1988.

The government's publication makes clear how the disease is and is not transmitted. It was very well understood in 1988.

That was 4 years before Huckabee made his now-uncomfortable statements in 1992 about isolating/quarantining HIV-infected individuals.

Public health officials and health care professionals in Arkansas had to know the facts in 1992. Huck may not have known, cared, or bothered to ask.

Was he too lazy or didn't want the facts to get in the way of another decision? We're beginning to see a pattern, Mike.

One thing is sure, Huck's completely misrepresenting the facts when he said it was unclear in the late '80s and early 90s.

Read the entire story here:

Another thing, I'm not a good artist but I just got this funny idea of a cartoon with a guy in a HAZ-MAT suit and a nametag that says "President Huckabee" speaking in front of a group of people in a place called "AIDS Land." We ought to have a cartoon contest or something for this.

Well spoken Nealie Ride.

Where's the flip-flop, Mittster?

CBS NEWS -- Huckabee stands by his answers

In 1992, your guy was voting for left-wing Democrat Paul Tsongas in the Dem presidential primary, and was -- by his own words -- not even a Republican but an "independent" who supported abortion on demand and gays in the military. His wife was donating to Planned Parenthood in those days too.

I'll take Huckabee '92 over Romney '92 any day.

"Huckabee can't beat Hillary."

Rasmussen shows Huck leading Hillary by 6 points in Arkansas, while Mitt trails her by double-digits there.

Zogby shows Huck leading Hillary by five points nationally, the largest lead of any GOP candidate. Romney polls weakest against Hillary nationally.

It truly annoys me that People say Mitt is a flip-flopper on abortion. Look at his record!! He campaigned as pro-choice, but when the first piece of legislation passed his desk as gov, he couldn't sign it, and everything done since then has been pro-life. A flip flopper has one position, flips to another, and then flips back (ala Hillary and NY drivers' licenses for illegals; she flip flopped in under 2 minutes). Mitt changed his stance on abortion. Hasn't changed since. Done deal!!!

Wait. Huckabee supporters are claiming that Mike Huckabee's actions match his words. WRONG. Mike's record on taxes, crime, immigration, small business is as bad as or worse than Bill Clinton’s record.

AND now TODAY Mike pulls out a whole new script. He grabs the most regressive tax scheme in the race. It would hammer consumption and it would replace the IRS with the HuckRS. THIS is an incongruence.

It makes sense that Huck’s rise is a result of LOCAL media. They are pushing a load of nonsense. Huck’s record is awful, and he is the least qualified of all the candidates. He got hammered on Wallace. Instead, he says he knew about avian flue and AIDS was comparable concern. Good leadership. Just say you were wrong Huck!

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