posted by Mike | 11:47 PM |
I am not sure. Nor is Rush. He stated at the end of this sound bite that he was not sure of the accuracy of Huckabee's response to a question from Wolf Blitzer regarding Mitt's call for an apology for the "Bunker mentality... Bush is arrogant!" quote in the Foreign Affairs piece.
I can't quote chapter and verse, but I am sure there are several problems here. Perhaps readers would like to use the comments section to document the number of... Hmmmm... falsehoods here?
I'm the one who actually supported the president's surge. I supported the Bush tax cuts when Mr. Romney didn't. I was with President Bush on gun control and Mitt Romney wasn't. I was with the president on the president's pro-life position when Mitt Romney wasn't. I was with the president on his position on same-sex relationships and marriage when Mitt Romney wasn't. I was with the president on the legacy of the president's dad and Ronald Reagan, when Mitt Romney wasn't. So, you know, I don't have anything to apologize for.
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