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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
posted by Mike | 11:47 PM | permalink

I am not sure. Nor is Rush. He stated at the end of this sound bite that he was not sure of the accuracy of Huckabee's response to a question from Wolf Blitzer regarding Mitt's call for an apology for the "Bunker mentality... Bush is arrogant!" quote in the Foreign Affairs piece.

I can't quote chapter and verse, but I am sure there are several problems here. Perhaps readers would like to use the comments section to document the number of... Hmmmm... falsehoods here?

I'm the one who actually supported the president's surge. I supported the Bush tax cuts when Mr. Romney didn't. I was with President Bush on gun control and Mitt Romney wasn't. I was with the president on the president's pro-life position when Mitt Romney wasn't. I was with the president on his position on same-sex relationships and marriage when Mitt Romney wasn't. I was with the president on the legacy of the president's dad and Ronald Reagan, when Mitt Romney wasn't. So, you know, I don't have anything to apologize for.
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This is obviously a "desperate" comment from a candidate who feels his "boom" becoming a "bust" according to the newest polls. :) Poor Hukcabee...random rants and denial about people picking up on his liberal foreign policy and immigration stands.


Wow. Somebody needs to double their dose, grab their blankie and go to bed.....before they say something even more desperate and ridiculous....

wow, i would like a fact check on every word he just said there...what a dipstick, and talk about lying. Yeah mitt romney was the right up there with code pink for gay marriage...this guy literally has no class.

You have to love huck saying the cross/bookcase was a coincidence.The biggest problem Huck has is nodody is going to know what to expect if he became president.At least the rest of the pack has some projectibility.Mitt has had the same general election message since he started. This is smart because he won't have to change or modify posistions if he gets the nom. Huck's showing his being a liberal in lots of ways. One thing the libs are famous for it pointing out problems but offering no solutions except spending more money.Mitt's ads are being characterized as "attack" ads but it shows how he's keeping his eye on the ball as far as issues. I'm also tired of people saying that out new foreign policy should be grovelling to Iran and Syria,much like Huck has hinted at.

I heard that Huck did not support the surge in January of '07, whereas Mitt did.

Mitt has been the strongest advocate of "conventional" marriage. Huck didn't have to deal with that issue to the degree that Mitt did in MA.

Huck's a disaster. No wonder he didn't want to tangle with Tim Russert. He would have been knocked out in 6.5 seconds.

Nancy French at posted a rebuttal titled "HUCKABEE LESS THAN TRUTHFUL... AGAIN" showing Huckabee's statement concerning the Troop Surge in Iraq is deceptive. Huckabee did not support the Surge in a statement he made on 1/24/2007, whereas Gov. Romney had already issued a pro-surge press release on 1/10/2007.

I had the same reaction when I first heard Huckabee's response; that it was likely replete with falsehoods akin to his laughable deception of claiming he cut taxes 94 times. Huckabee's broadly-based tax increases of $883.1 million (sales tax, gasoline, cigarettes, etc., 21 total) dwarfed the 90+ miscellaneous, small tax exemptions, credits and deductions that the Arkansas Legislature and prior administrations authored for the most part and Huckabee signed ($378 million).

With more research, I'm quite confident we will find some more falsehoods in his statement comparing the timeline of his positions versus Gov. Romney.

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