posted by Justin Hart | 4:23 PM |
Today, the Massachusetts Republican Party defended Mitt from some raucous attacks across the radio airwaves by noted anti-Mormon Gregg Jackson. You can download the press release
BOSTON – Last week, local radio talk show host Gregg Jackson penned an op-ed on the "real Mitt Romney." Unfortunately, it failed to note the many conservative accomplishments Mitt Romney had as Governor of Massachusetts. Here is Governor Romney's real record of leadership in Massachusetts:
THE RECORD #1: Gov. Romney Provided Strong, Pro-Life Leadership In Massachusetts And Massachusetts Pro-Life Organizations Agree.
· Gov. Romney Vetoed Legislation That Would Have Provided For The "Morning After Pill" Without A Prescription. (Gov. Mitt Romney, The Boston Globe, 7/26/05)
· Gov. Romney Promoted Abstinence Education In The Classroom. (Office Of Gov. Mitt Romney, "Romney Announces Award Of Abstinence Education Contract," Press Release, 4/20/06)
· Gov. Romney Vetoed Legislation That Would Have Changed The Longstanding Definition Of The Beginning Of Human Life From Fertilization To Implantation. (Gov. Mitt Romney, Letter To The Massachusetts State Senate And House Of Representatives, 5/12/05)
· Gov. Romney Supports Parental Notification Laws And Opposed Efforts To Weaken Parental Involvement. (John McElhenny, The Associated Press, 10/29/02)
· Gov. Romney Supports Adult Stem Cell Research But Has Opposed Efforts To Advance Embryo-Destructive Research In Massachusetts. (Theo Emery, The Associated Press, 5/27/05)
· Massachusetts Citizens For Life Executive Director Marie Sturgis: "Having Governor Romney in the corner office for the last four years has been one of the strongest assets the pro-life movement has had in Massachusetts." (Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review, 1/10/07)
THE RECORD #2: Gov. Romney Championed Traditional Marriage In Massachusetts.
· Gov. Romney Called For A Massachusetts Constitutional Amendment Defining Marriage As Between A Man And A Woman. "I disagree with the Supreme Judicial Court. Marriage is an institution between a man and a woman. I will support an amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution to make that expressly clear." (Office Of Gov. Mitt Romney, "Statement By Governor Mitt Romney On SJC Decision On Same Sex Marriage," Press Release, 11/18/03)
· When The Legislature Would Not Vote On The Amendment, Gov. Romney Filed Suit To Force A Vote. "Governor Mitt Romney and a group of Massachusetts residents asked the state's highest court yesterday to override the Legislature and let voters decide whether to ban same-sex marriage, accusing legislative leaders of violating the state constitution by refusing to act on the proposal." (Jonathan Saltzman, The Boston Globe, 11/25/06)
· Gov. Romney Enforced A 1913 Law Preventing Out-Of-State Same-Sex Couples From Marrying In Massachusetts. "Same-sex couples who live outside Massachusetts will not be able to marry in Massachusetts when gay marriage becomes legal here next month, Gov. Mitt Romney said." (Pam Belluck, The New York Times, 4/25/04)
· Massachusetts Family Institute Kris Mineau: "He's been rock solid on the issue of marriage." (Steve LeBlanc, The Associated Press, 1/12/07)
THE RECORD #3: Gov. Romney Put Conservative Principles To Work In Health Care.
· The Club For Growth: "Governor Romney Deserves Credit For Proposing A Plan That Encourages Individually-Owned Health Insurance…" "Given these limitations, Governor Romney deserves credit for proposing (and to a lesser extent, enacting) a plan that encourages individually-owned health insurance and circumvents some of the inequities carved into the federal tax code." (The Club For Growth, 8/21/07)
· Health Care Reform "Has Cut The Number Of Uninsured In The State By Nearly A Third." (Steve LeBlanc, The Associated Press, 4/11/07)
· The New York Times: "Observers of the state's progress since the health care law was passed in April 2006 say they are impressed that the varied constituencies – including health insurers, businesses, advocates, medical providers and taxpayers – largely continue to support the law and have worked to resolve differences." (Pam Belluck, The New York Times, 7/1/07)
· Uninsured Massachusetts Residents Can Obtain Health Care Insurance For As Little As $175 A Month. Steve LeBlanc, The Associated Press, 3/3/07)
THE RECORD #4: Gov. Romney Appoint Judges Who Would Be Tough On Crime And Would Not Legislate From The Bench.
· For The State's Highest Courts, Governor Romney Said He Would Appoint Judges With "Strict Construction, Judicial Philosophy." (Raphael Lewis, The Boston Globe, 7/25/05)
· For The State's Lowest Courts, Governor Romney Focused On Legal Experience And Whether The Nominee Would Be Tough On Crime. "He said he has focused on two factors: their legal experience and whether the nominees would be tough on crime. He said most of the nominees have prosecutorial experience. 'People on both sides of the aisle want to put the bad guys away,' Romney said." (Raphael Lewis, The Boston Globe, 7/25/05)
· The Boston Globe: "Some of Romney's nominees do have stellar Republican or conservative bona fides. For example, Romney's pick for Peabody clerk magistrate, Kevin L. Finnegan, is a former two-term Republican state representative. Another choice was Bruce R. Henry, the son-in-law of former SJC Justice Joseph Nolan whom Romney wanted to represent his administration in seeking a stay of the court's gay marriage ruling." (Raphael Lewis, The Boston Globe, 7/25/05)
THE RECORD #5: Gov. Romney Took Action When Problems Were Found With The Big Dig. He Removed The Head Of The Turnpike Authority And His Quick Response Was Widely Praised.
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