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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 3:27 PM | permalink
UPDATE: I'm getting lots of emails citing attacks from the Romney campaign and how I'm being hypocritical. Not at all I reply:

I'll be the first to admit that this is one ugly primary with many bloody noses... but I tend to think that the candidate themselves should stay out the mud as much as possible. The reality is that the candidate has a different bar to clear than the campaign itself.

If the "Huckabee campaign" knocks Romney for Mexicans in the front yard that's one thing... to have the candidate stoop to a personal quip is quite another.

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I'm so impressed at the way Mitt handled that. It would have been so easy to attack back or spend his time defending the "illegals on his lawn" comment. Instead, he stuck to the issue. That's class!

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