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Sunday, November 11, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 6:55 PM | permalink
This report came into us today:

Mitt Romney has had a great week in California.

First, on Wednesday night, the Young Republican Federation of California's Board of Directors voted to endorse the Romney campaign - becoming the first grassroots group in the state to endorse Governor Romney.

To add to that, just minutes ago, the California Republican Assembly joined the YRFC by overwhelmingly voting to endorse the Romney campaign.

By a vote of 148 - 73, CRA took a big step in showing clearly that the conservative base of the Republican Party is coalescing around Governor Romney.

Primary elections are traditionally dominated by the bases of each Party - and within California, there aren't more representitive voices of the conservative base than YRFC and CRA.

Like I said, it was a big week in CA for Mitt Romney.

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Mitt doesn't have a chance at all to win the presidency. If you want to check out a real candidate with real values, check out Hillary Clinton. You won't be disappointed.

I love satire! Hillary Clinton with real values...that's classic!

Hillary online:

Hillary with real values, you said?
Wow that's the understatement of the century. Apparently you don't know enough about Hillary. Just wait until next month, and on towards the general elections; it gets worse for her. Have you learned about Travelgate, Whitewater, the White House "heist"?, the Hsu story, and all the questionable fundraising, and on, and on and on? must be out of your mind to make the claim about Hillary's vlaues, to say the very least.

Clintons the worst of the pack
Convictions change with each attack
With a tear and a tissue
on both sides of each issue
She must think we're ALL smoking crack!

Where the heck did that first commentor come from. He came and went like a fart in the wind. Hey Hillary lackey, your time would be better put to use helping your boss really answer some questions. Oh wait, does she even know how. She couldn't hold a flame to Gov. Romney.


I think you may have gotten lost on the way to the Huffington Post ;-) .

No need for attack. Someone came here to spam...ugh I mean share their point of view (over and over again, that is what spamming is). It is great to know that there are still people out there who are not flip-floppers no matter what their candidate says or does.

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