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Saturday, November 10, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 1:32 AM | permalink
The recent reporting that James Dobson was about to throw his support behind Mike Huckabee set off a firestorm of conjecture about how it would effect the race. Now that the reporting appears to have been utterly mistaken, it seems to me that this is a good example of over eagerness to find a story.

Another good example is the recent Ron Paul fundraising drive. Consider this quote:

"Paul now holds the record among Republican White House candidates for fundraising on a single day, according to the Associated Press."

Anyone who has been following this race for a while realizes that Ron Paul did not even get within a million of Mitt Romney's one day total back in January.
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Ron Paul's event was also a 2 day thing, since they counted money 12 hours before and 12 hours after.

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