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Friday, August 31, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 5:07 PM | permalink
If Michigan moves up their primary, as is almost certain at this point, Romney stands to be in a very good position. New numbers from Michigan today:

Romney 25%
Giuliani 23%
Thompson 16%
McCain 15%

While the numbers coming out of Michigan have seemed a bit volatile (check out some polling history at UltiMitt), Romney has consistently polled well. With family history and the obvious propsect of having a Presidential Library for Romney in Michigan one day, I think they may very well pull the trigger for him on primary day, or caucus day, whatever it will be.

With states bouncing all over the place with their schedules, the compressed calendar is starting to look more like the extended calendar of years past leading up to Super Tuesday. Suddenly, the Super Tuesday strategy of Giuliani, and potentially of Thompson, is looking like a bad idea (I say potentially of Thompson because his delay seemed to indicate he just wanted to ride whatever national name recognition he has for as long as possible, but he seems to be turning his attention on early states now since he doesn't really have the ability to run a national campaign).

Romney effectively took McCain and Giuliani's decision not to compete in the Iowa straw poll and shoved it down their throats, maximizing his exposure there and solidifying his support. He now stands in a great position to win states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, Wyoming, and Michigan, and is in a good position to win Florida, South Carolina and others along the way.
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How could anybody get into the race now and compete in all the early state races?
Don't you at least need a campaign office in each state?

I think he may have no choice. If you can only make a couple of appearances a day and with limited time, what state would you show up to?

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