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Monday, July 23, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 2:02 PM | permalink
The New York Post asks this morning:
What did Fred Thompson's son, Daniel, do to earn the more than $170,000 that his firm, Daniel Thompson Associates, was paid from his father's federal political action committee, the Fred D. Thompson PAC?

The records suggest he did next to nothing.

When Thompson left the Senate in 2003 he had a leftover war chest of almost $400,000 which he transfered to the Fred D. Thompson PAC. Nothing unusual here. Except for this:
...very little of these funds actually went to candidates - the bulk of the money was paid to Daniel Thompson.

The Post continues:
In its first election cycle, the PAC made a total of only $18,000 in contributions to federal candidates and about $8,000 in contributions to Republican committees and non-federal candidates. So, the fund spent about 7 percent of its assets on candidates and elections in its first two years - and about 25 percent on Thompson's son.

The next cycle (2005-2006), the fund gave $21,200 to federal candidates and about $27,500 to non-federal candidates and party committees - and $84,000 to Daniel Thompson's firm.

To date, the PAC has paid $176,000 to the son's firm, $46,000 for federal races, $35,000 in other political donations and $62,700 to charity. The senator's son, in other words, accounts for more than half the outlays.

So what was it that D. Thompson was doing for the PAC?

Let me be clear, this is not an attack on the Thompson family but I think it brings up some serious questions about Thompson's money management prowess and decisions.

I should note that in previous months Romney took some grief for his savvy PAC workings. Two differences here: 1) Romney used these monies for political strategy and 2) pumping money into state and federal candidates, not his sons.

(OK... that last line was a bit of an uppercut - I hope not a low blow)

Ask yourself this: If this were Obama or Clinton or Dodd what would we say about it?

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Not a low blow at all, Fred took money DONATED by supporters and GAVE it to his son. I get real brissely when I hear about donated money (churches, political, charitable, etc) being used so inappropriately.

This is something Fred should definately have to explain.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 23, 2007 at 7:36 PM  

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