posted by Anonymous | 11:03 PM |
Edwards: "Elizabeth Edwards said Tuesday that her husband's health-care plan would provide insurance coverage of abortion. Speaking on behalf of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards before the family planning and abortion-rights group Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Edwards lauded her husband's health-care proposal as 'a true universal health-care plan' that would cover 'all reproductive health services, including pregnancy termination,' referring to abortion."
Obama: "Asked about his proposal for expanded access to health insurance, Obama said it would cover 'reproductive-health services.' Contacted afterward, an Obama spokesman said that included abortions."
Who do you think is the best candidate to stand up against
this insanity? The one who is solidly pro-life. The one with the most experience with
health care legislation who can articulate a better path. The one who will work tirelessly to defeat the democrats.
Only one: Mitt Romney.
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