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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 11:33 PM | permalink
From a first grade teacher friend: "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!" in response to the news that Obama wants sex education for kindergarteners.

Apparently, Mitt didn't realize his new ad was about Obama's "Ocean."

What else can I say about this? Someone will surely say that he qualified his statement with something about "age appropriate." What is that supposed to mean? I don't even want to think about what he thinks is appropriate for a 5 year old to learn about sex.
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I think that there is such a thing as "age appropriate" sex education for a 5-year old... but I don't want some liberal deciding what that is.

I told my 11 year old son how babies are made. He sat there quietly and listened to my whole presentation. I asked him if he had any questions and he said, "WHY DID YOU TELL ME THAT??"

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 19, 2007 at 1:22 AM  

Kindergarden is a ridiculous age to begin sex education. I think fifth grade is the earliest it should be. Being a health educator, abstinence education is a nice idea, but it does not change behavior. All the data show that children have sex anyway. There has to be comprehensive sex education teaching safe practices along with abstinence.

Ideally the schools would not have to teach it because parents would do their job by teaching their children these things. Unfortunately, parents do not act responsibly in this manner.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 19, 2007 at 8:05 AM  

Babies are made in mummy's tummy. Now let's teach them some math, reading and writing.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 19, 2007 at 6:13 PM  

Are you kidding? I told explained to all of my children before they took their first step into the school system.

It is naive to believe that our little ones today are not inundated with all kinds of information about sex once they begin school. Once they begin playing with other children at recess and begin hearing all kinds of words, expressions and explanations that fly off the map.

I knew as a parent it was my responsibility to teach my young ones and do it in a way that helps them to understand what sex is, but how wonderful it it is and how because of it they are with us in our beautiful family.

Sure they guffawed at the frank explanations they received regarding where babies come from, but that lead to questions that have created the foundation of their own sexual attitudes which are a blessing to us in that they have all made it clear that they look forward to enjoying that part of their lives when they get married.

Two of my children are teenagers 17 and 15 (both boys) and one of them is (lets just say)extremely popular with the girls. He has to turn down advances on a weekly basis. The irony is that the more he explains to these H.S girls that he is not interested in getting involved with girls right now, the more they push.

He is a stalwart I give him credit for that. What made this come full circle for me was what told me about three days ago. He said, that many of his friends have never had the talk with their parents, and he felt bad for them since they all had the idea that their parents were afraid to bring it up, that sex was viewed as a bad thing to stay away from.

He said that his mother and I had made sex something to look forward to. Something to be excited about in the right context. That context in our family being in the bounds of marriage. He said because we were open and frank about it, and that we portrayed it as something to look forward to when the right time comes, he never felt any pressure to experiment. He plans on serving an LDS mission at 19, and he said since I want to do this, there is no real reason to get serious about girls until I return.

He will date, but the girls he is attracted to, he files away in his mental rolodex for later he says with a wink in his eye.

My other teenager at the age of 14 stood up in class among his peers and proudly as a boy stated that he was a virgin and that he was grateful for that. He thought his peers were looking for trouble in trying to push down this road at such an early age. You need to understand that my children were born and raised in Sweden where sex is definitely a part of the curriculum at schools, and the teaching is not if, but when and that is supported by all types of alternatives which are devoid of any spiritual aspects of this issue.

The sex talk isn't about when, it is about how your able to turn something that is truly beautiful into something truly beautiful for your children to look forward to, instead of the self gratifying lustful act it has become today.

Have the talk with your little ones. Trust me, it works.

Don't let the schools be the teacher whether sanctioned or in the school yard.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 20, 2007 at 8:04 AM  

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