posted by Jeff Fuller | 12:24 AM |
Romney and Giuliani have accepted an invitation to Debate on Aug 5th in Des Moines, IOWA. This virtually guarantees that all other candidates will be there too. Let's hope they narrow the field some. And everyone will be expectatly waiting for Fred Thompson's first Debate appearance.
Also, in
the AP article anouncing this they slide in their anti-Romney talking points with the following:
Giuliani and John McCain have bowed out of the straw poll, rendering it all but meaningless and virtually ensuring a win for Romney.
MSM Spin Translation: Rudy and John take the graceful and gallant move of "bowing out" and elevate expectations of a Romney landslide at Ames.
Rudy and John turned their back on the Republican Party of Iowa for their own political calculation and to save political face since they knew they couldn't compete with Mitt here in Iowa.
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