posted by Jeff Fuller | 11:25 PM |
I know this was discussed before . . . but did anyone see
the actual press release from the McCain campaign.
It is absolutely horrible. It say's "Paid for by John McCain 2008" at the bottom, but they lead with a mocking banner at the top mimicking the Romney campaign slogan "New. Strong. Leadership." with "Say. Do. Anything."
This is something I would expect from the DNC, or, but not from any respectable campaign and not from a patriot like John McCain.
I can only postulate that McCain sees that his ship is sinking and is trying to bring down Mitt in the process (thereby benefiting his close friends Rudy and Fred?) I know that McCain is being beat up on Hannity and Colmes tonight for these tactics. I can't figure out how McCain thinks that these tactics can possibly benefit his campaign. Any other ideas?
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