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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 1:26 PM | permalink
There have been a few noticeable riffs between McCain and Gov. Romney but behind the scenes, the emails fly fast and furious from McCain and Romney camp operatives. This is all part of the game and I'm fine with it.

Today however, McCain stepped over the line by launching their own official YouTube attack on Romney (instead of relying on the news feeder model). Not only that but they take the Governor completely out of context with selective editing. The Romney camp put out this official response:

“Governor Romney is firmly pro-life and can rely on his record of having protected the sanctity of life when faced with those issues as governor.
Governor Romney consistently maintained, in an effort to protect the sanctity of life, that he would fight attempts to weaken the state’s existing abortion laws. Maintaining existing laws in a state like Massachusetts was an important fight in and of itself.

It’s very troubling that the McCain campaign would attack the governor’s pro-life stance by trying to alter the context of a statement made at a news conference where he also made a passionate case for his veto of stem cell legislation that showed a level of disregard for the sanctity of human life.

The McCain campaign’s motives are obviously borne of desperation. Their actions are both sad and unfortunate.”
In other news David Brody of CBN news sees another slam dunk with the release today of the Faith and Values team.
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