Boston, MA - Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced the members of the Romney for President National Faith and Values Steering Committee, a coalition of supporters who will advise Governor Romney on matters of faith and values.
"The men and women of our National Steering Committee represent decades spent defending faith, religious expression and traditional values. I believe that our Party and our nation must stand for strong families, traditional marriage and the sanctity of human life. I am proud to be joined by these leaders in our campaign to change Washington," said Governor Romney.
Serving as a Chair of the Steering Committee, noted Constitutional Attorney and Supreme Court Advocate Jay Sekulow said, "Governor Romney has a strong record of defending traditional values and supporting the faith community. He is the one candidate who has spoken to the importance of promoting stronger families. In Washington, he will stand alongside those defending our most important values."
The Romney For President National Faith And Values Steering Committee Chairs: - Dr. Robert Andringa, President Emeritus, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, Arizona
- James Bopp, Jr., Romney For President Special Adviser on Life Issues, Indiana
- Barbara Comstock, Former Department of Justice Spokesperson and former Susan B. Anthony List Advisory Committee Member, Virginia
- Mark DeMoss, President, DeMoss Group Public Relations, Georgia
- Ovide Lamontagne, New Hampshire
- Chris Long, Chief Operation Officer, Foster Friess & Associates, Delaware
- Gary Marx, Executive Director of the Judicial Confirmation Network, Former Executive Director of the Virginia Christian Coalition, Bush-Cheney '04 Conservative Coalitions Director, Virginia
- George Seay, Co-Founder and CEO, Annandale Capital; Co-Founder and Chairman, Legacy, Texas
- Jay Sekulow, Constitutional Attorney and Supreme Court Advocate, District of Columbia
- Lou Sheldon, President, Traditional Values Coalition, California
- Matthew Spalding, Director, B. Kenneth Simon Center For American Studies, The Heritage Foundation, District of Columbia
The Romney For President National Faith And Values Steering Committee Vice-Chairs: - Jim Anthony, South Carolina
- Rep. Dennis Baxley, Speaker Pro Tempore, Florida House of Representatives, Florida
- Dee Benedict, Christian Activist, South Carolina
- Jason Bonham, Illinois State Director, Legacy Law Foundation, Illinois
- Sen. Cameron Brown, Michigan State Senate, Michigan
- Nathan Burd, Director of International Program & Public Policy, Heartbeat International, Ohio
- Steve Chamberlain, Senior Pastor, Branford Evangelical Free Church, Connecticut
- Tom Coates, Vice President, Truth About Gambling, Iowa
- Dr. Jay Dennis, Senior Pastor, Lakeland, Florida
- Dr. Paul K. Driessen, Esq., Senior Policy Adviser, Congress On Racial Equality, Virginia
- Joe Earle, Former Director Of Church and Community Development, Iowa Christian Alliance, Iowa
- James Edwards, Government Relations Consultant, Olive-Edwards, Virginia
- Paul Erickson, Executive Director, Citizens for the Republic, South Dakota
- David French, Senior Counsel, Alliance Defense Fund, Tennessee
- Nancy French, Author, Red State of Mind, Tennessee
- Justin Hart, Vice President of Communications, Lighted Candle Society
- Jeff Hunt, Account Executive, The Clapham Group, District of Columbia
- Keith Hunter, Board Member, Iowa Christian Alliance, Iowa
- Don Hutchings, Senior Pastor, Evangel Temple, Arkansas
- M.F. Jackson, Pastor, South Carolina
- Gary Jarmin, President, American Service Council, California
- Sen. Dave Johnson, Conservative Activist, Iowa
- Jimmy Jones, Director, Christ Central Ministries, South Carolina
- John Kingston, Massachusetts
- Gary La Ferla, CEO, G3 International, California
- Wendy Long, Chief Counsel, Judicial Confirmation Network, New York
- Drew McKissick, National Board Member, Christian Coalition, South Carolina
- Charles Mitchell, Conservative Writer, District of Columbia
- Kathy Oltmans, Christian Activist, Iowa
- John Pudner, RNC Catholic Task Force, Alabama
- Melinda Ronn, Senior Faith-Based Consultant, MKR & Associates, Connecticut
- Sen. Alan Sanborn, Michigan State Senate, Michigan
- Jordan Sekulow, Former National Youth Director, Bush-Cheney '04, Virginia
- Rep. Fulton Sheen, Michigan State House of Representatives, Michigan
- Camille Solberg, Former President, Wisconsin Coalition for Traditional Marriage, Wisconsin
- David Vicinanzo, New Hampshire
- Mark White, Senior Pastor, Christian Assembly of God, South Carolina
- Joe Wiegand, Former Director of Voter Education, Christian Coalition, Virginia
- Lori Wortz, Former Board Member, Citizens for Traditional Values, Michigan
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