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Friday, March 23, 2007
posted by jason | 12:50 PM | permalink
Apparently Iowa County Chairs!

This from IA Politic:

Six Republicans said they were already committed to a candidate, with three saying they were supporting Romney and three picking Illinois lawyer John Cox.

The Romney supporters cited his management skills and experience, with one respondent calling him "A solid candidate with good management experience at solving problems." That respondent also said Romney "doesn't seem to be an ultra conservative, perhaps more moderate than many others." Those who picked Cox cited his status as a D.C. outsider and his conservatism.

RESULTS - Question: Who are you considering supporting?
(only asked of undecided chairs)
*Mitt Romney -- 55%
*Mike Huckabee -- 45%
*Rudy Giuliani -- 39%
*Newt Gingrich -- 35%
*John Cox -- 26%
*Tom Tancredo -- 23%
*John McCain -- 19%
*Sam Brownback -- 19%
*Tommy Thompson -- 13%
*Duncan Hunter -- 10%
*Ron Paul -- 6%
*George Pataki -- 3%
*Jim Gilmore -- 3%
*Chuck Hagel -- 0%

Methodology: contacted county chairs by e-mail and followed up with phone calls to those who didn't respond initially. Forty-two Republican county chairs responded to the survey, which was conducted from February through March.

What doesn't surprise me?

The numbers of the top three. Iowa GOP'ers like conservatives, and able minded ones at that.

What does surprise me? Hagel and Cox.

Lets discuss...

WAIT!!! Before anyone complains the numbers add up to more than 100%, it's because this is who people are considering, they might be considering more than one.

OK, now let's discuss...
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Hey, this is the type of poll that means something! It shows that Romney is doing the right things to build support in the right places.

What is Giuliani doing in Iowa to get those high numbers? Is it still just 'America's Mayor' syndrome?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 24, 2007 at 6:47 AM  

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