posted by Justin Hart | 10:21 AM |
This is a fun endeavor! I love to watch the ebb and flow of picking team players (or rather players picking a team).
Romney and
McCain are making nailing down some great endorsements. The ground game is really taking shape. Since our
last update two weeks ago here are some highlighted endorsements:
Congressional Endorsements:- McCain picks up congressional endorsements from Richard Burr (Rep - NC), Todd Platts (Rep - PA)
- Rudy picks up nods from Frank LoBiondo (Rep-NJ), Devin Nunes (Rep-CA), Jerry Lewis (Rep-CA) and Senator Vitter (LA)
State Specific Highlights- McCain picks up a solid Florida team with a gambit of State Reps. He and Romney run about 10 elected officials each. Rudy has none in his camp. But Romney has a powerful finance team edge - most recently enhanced by getting H. Wayne Huizenga
- Romney named his Iowa team with about 7 elected officials. McCain has yet to register any force in Iowa except for a paid of activists.
- South Carolnia is a real battle. Even beyond the dueling Senators Romney and McCain are grabbing up endorsements. McCain recently unveiled a very solid finance team
- Romney followed suit with a large finance crowd from Oregon and California
- Despite his opponents trimming away nods in Michigan, Romney still owns the state elected officials: Romney: 47; McCain: 19; Rudy: 2
- Phil Graham came out for McCain as did former NC Governor Jim Martin. Romney picked up current RI Governor Don Carcieri while Rudy picked up former MD Gov. Bob Ehrlich
Of course... the story still remains! Where is Rudy's ground game?
Bottom line is this: These three are going to have the cash at the end of Q1 but McCain and Romney have the strategy and legwork in place to make a showing. Rudy is just plain absent or silent?!
Regardless... here are your charts:
The following chart includes federal, state or local current or former elected officials

The following chart includes state specific leaders, including former or current local officials, party officials, and state activists.

The following chart includes members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate

The following chart includes all previous categories including finance-specific endorsements, other activists, and RNC members.

Labels: endoresements, Endorse, Florida, John McCain, Michigan, mit romney, rudy, south carolina
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