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Thursday, March 15, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 6:15 AM | permalink
Romney clocks in at 22% in the latest poll in New Hampshire.
THE POLL: Franklin Pierce College and WBZ-TV New Hampshire telephone survey March 7-12.
REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE _ 400 likely Republican presidential primary voters, sampling error plus or minus 4.9 percentage points.

John McCain 29 percent

Rudy Giuliani 28 percent

Mitt Romney 22 percent

Newt Gingrich 5 percent

Mike Huckabee 2 percent

Sam Brownback 1 percent

Chuck Hagel 1 percent

Duncan Hunter 1 percent

Ron Paul 1 percent

Tom Tancredo percent

Jim Gilmore X percent

George Pataki X percent

Tommy Thompson X percent

Undecided 9 percent

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The Three RINOs are right at the top. I weep for my party and my country.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 15, 2007 at 8:05 AM  


And the guy with no chance or experience sitting at 1%. I would call him a CINO- Candidate in Name Only.

Good luck with that one.

This is very promising! While McCain's numbers continue to fall and Rudy stagnates, Romney has more than doubled his numbers. I think we'll see this trend continue until he's the top contender this fall!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 15, 2007 at 1:00 PM  

Here are a few links to stories about Rudy:,2933,258807,00.html

McCain, Giuliani Battle Swift Boats, Sagging Polls

Giuliani's law firm tied to Venezuela's Chavez

Both will continue to slide in the polls.

On a separate note, Dick Morris says that Romney and Gingrich are blocking "true" conservatives. I'd agree with him that Gingrich is taking up some space. However, Gingrich is primarly blocking those who'll eventually come around to our man Mitt.

The others (Morris' "true" boys) aren't at all viable anyway, and would be little better off w/ Gingrich completely out of the picture. Romney is a conservative, although reformed in a few areas. I usually like Dick Morris' commentaries, but he's plain wrong on Mitt.

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